Noralta Buffalo Lodge — Lodging in Fort McMurray

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Noralta Buffalo Lodge

Lodging at Hwy 63 Austra road, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4V9, Canada, Fort McMurray, Alberta, T9H 4V9 . Here you will find detailed information about Noralta Buffalo Lodge: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


Hwy 63 Austra road, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4V9, Canada, Fort McMurray, Alberta, T9H 4V9
Fort McMurray
T9H 4V9

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About Noralta Buffalo Lodge

Noralta Buffalo Lodge is a UK Lodging based in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Noralta Buffalo Lodge is located at Hwy 63 Austra road, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4V9, Canada,

Please contact Noralta Buffalo Lodge using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Noralta Buffalo Lodge opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Noralta Buffalo Lodge

  • Evan
    Added 2016.01.20
    The staff is pleasant but the food needs to be upgraded no Canadian chefs
  • Hudson
    Added 2015.11.07
    This was a premier camp 10 years ago. Unfortunately the place has really gone down hill. I've brought to the staff's attention of black mold on the ceiling in several spots, but unfortunately nothing has been done to rectify this. The main hallway ( the whole length) smells like a sewage line has broken bellow the floor, gross!! Checking into camp from work, due to the security hut the traffic is backed all the way down the road preventing on coming traffic to travel by. Be prepared to be stuck on a bus at least a half hour waiting to get in. I agree with another on the food being similar to CNRL as this is definitely true. Rooms cleaned maybe once every 5 days or so. I asked front desk what the room cleaning schedule is, the response oh... every 3 or 4 days. No definitive answer. Walls are paper thin ( I hear EVERYTHING my neighbor does).
  • Eliana
    Added 2015.07.30
    The food in Buffalo is not very good, the lunch selection is embarrassing and way too spaced out! I thought I was in luck to be in a room next to the furnace room but I could still here the room on the other side of the furnace room loud and clear! Jack and Jill bathrooms?! Because everyone loves listening to someone else take a dump at 2am! Paper thin walls. I didn't know they made extra small single beds! And the pillows are like sleeping on a cloud, full of air offering zero support! At least it's only one storey "not listening to everyone with zero decency tromping around like wild animals". The staff can be decent. Oh and the jack and Jill bathroom must be air conditioned year round, because middle of January and I was shivering when I got out of the shower to dry off. They now offer upgradeable WiFi that you can pay for which is all right I guess? As well as the usually spotty WiFi for free. Towels included... yay. Oh and if " like me" you can't sleep with even a tiny bit of visible light in the room bring some electrical tape. Also would suggest bringing a power bar if you have a few things to plug in on the desk "which is also minuscule". There is now no secure place to store your belongings in your room when you leave for the day so don't bring anything that you would normally lock up. Another thing to bring is abundant patience. Remember, the staff is likely making less then you and they are only doing a job to feed the family!
  • Josephine
    Added 2014.09.22
    It is day 4 today and my room has not been done, I question the front desk about it and all I get is excuses... please just stick to your own cleaning schedule of every 3 days which I think in itself is a low standards...
  • Jose
    Added 2013.09.23
    I walked into my room toilet wasn't cleaned, so I can imagine what else wasn't cleaned, the kitchen is a pig pen, everyone comes in with their work cloths, hats, and serve yourself. It was great when the Union was running the camps. Now their are no standards, you can tell security isn't trained. You have to pay for better internet who ever heard of that, companies are paying top dollar for these rooms. I noticed all the local guides gave five stars! not hard to tell what's going on there. LMAO
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